BE IT RESOLVED THAT: The Consultant Planning Report be received for information;
AND THAT the Committee of Adjustment is satisfied that the proposed variance for property location 152179 12th Line, Concession 13, West Part Lot 13, RP 7R4215; Part 1 and Part 2, application A3-24, meets Township objectives and the Committee has considered any appropriate comments from the public and agencies;
AND THAT the Committee of Adjustment deems the proposal minor in nature and appropriate for the lands, as well as maintaining the general intent and purpose of the Official Plan and Zoning By-law, and approves the application with the following conditions:
- The proposed accessory attached dwelling unit under the approval of Application A3-24 shall be in conformity with the design and location of the plans submitted with the application.
- The owner/applicant shall obtain a building permit application within one year of the final date of appeal of A3-24.
- The owner/applicant shall obtain approval for the new sewage system that includes the installation and maintenance of a Level IV Treatment Unit.
- The approval of the variance shall apply only to the conversion of the existing accessory structure to an accessory attached dwelling unit.
- The owner/applicant shall satisfy all conditions of the variance no later than one year from the end of the appeal period established under the Planning Act.