Township of East Garafraxa

Regular Council Meeting Minutes

In-Person and Virtual (Hybrid)
065371 Dufferin County Road 3, Unit 2, East Garafraxa ON L9W 7J8
Council Members Present:
  • Mayor Guy Gardhouse
  • Deputy Mayor John Stirk
  • Councillor Lenora Banfield
  • Councillor Dave Halls
  • Councillor Jeremy Zukowski
Staff/Consultants Present:
  • Dave Knight, Director of Public Works
  • Alan Selby, Treasurer
  • Jessica Kennedy, Clerk
  • Shannon Peart, Administration/Clerk's Dept.
  • Matthew Wick

Meeting was held as a hybrid meeting, with in-person and remote participation. 

Mayor Gardhouse, Deputy Mayor Stirk and Councillors Banfield, Halls and Zukowski were in attendance in-person. 

Mayor Gardhouse called the meeting to order. 

  • Moved by:Councillor Halls
    Seconded by:Councillor Banfield

    BE IT RESOLVED THAT: The agenda be approved as circulated.


Councillor Zukowski declared with respect to agenda item 8.1.3 - SV Law comments dated January 23, 2025 as he is related to the owners of Greenwood Construction.

  • Moved by:Councillor Zukowski
    Seconded by:Deputy Mayor Stirk

    BE IT RESOLVED THAT: Council do hereby adopt the minutes of the Regular Council Meeting held on January 14, 2025, as circulated.


Nothing at this time.

Nothing at this time. 

  • Moved by:Councillor Halls
    Seconded by:Councillor Banfield

    BE IT RESOLVED THAT: Council do now hold a Statutory Public Meeting pursuant to the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. P.13, to consider the following application(s):

    Township initiated Housekeeping Zoning By-Law Amendment Application Z8-24.


Mayor Gardhouse provided remarks on how members of the public can participate in the meeting when joining remotely/virtually.

Debbie Vandenakker, Planscape Consultant and the Township’s Policy Planning Consultant, attended the meeting remotely and presented a PowerPoint presentation on the proposed Township-initiated Housekeeping Zoning By-Law Amendment.

Housekeeping Zoning By-Law Amendments are intended to correct minor anomalies, clerical inconsistencies, and inadvertent omissions, as well as to clarify minor matters. They are not a tool for making sweeping changes and are administrative in nature. The Township’s current Comprehensive Zoning By-Law came into force in 2004, and municipal staff have been tracking minor changes to be addressed in a housekeeping amendment. Key changes were reviewed.

Comments received to date include internal Township Consultants R.J. Burnside and Associates Limited, and Stovel and Associates Inc, public comments from SV Law, and agency comments from the Grand River Conservation Authority (GRCA), and Enbridge Gas.

Two revisions are proposed to the draft Housekeeping Zoning By-Law Amendment based on comments received. The revisions include changes to provisions for accessible parking, incorporating regulatory requirements with a minimum parking width of 3m under draft By-Law item 9, and the removal of the proposed definition for a Portable Asphalt or Concrete Batching Plant under draft By-Law item 22(h). It was noted that comments submitted by SV Law regarding the Portable Asphalt or Concrete Batching Plant definition, as well as comments from Stovel and Associates Inc, will be held for review during the Comprehensive Zoning By-Law review project.

A revised proposed draft Housekeeping Zoning By-Law Amendment document will be included on the February 11, 2025, Council meeting for consideration. 

No public comments were received at the Public Meeting.

  • Councillor Zukowski declared a conflict on this item. (Councillor Zukowski declared with respect to agenda item 8.1.3 - SV Law comments dated January 23, 2025 as he is related to the owners of Greenwood Construction.)

Councillor Zukowski did not leave the meeting regarding the declared pecuniary interest as the individual comments were not discussed/considered by Council. 

  • Moved by:Councillor Halls
    Seconded by:Councillor Zukowski

    BE IT RESOLVED THAT: Council do hereby adjourn the Public Meeting and resume regular business. 

  • Moved by:Councillor Halls
    Seconded by:Councillor Zukowski

    BE IT RESOLVED THAT: Council of the Township of East Garafraxa hereby support the Town of Orangeville resolution with respect to the request to the Provincial and Federal governments regarding distribution of taxes on property transactions. 


Nothing at this time. 

Nothing at this time.

Councillor Banfield reported on the Board and noted that the establishment of a new advisory board for recruitment and retention purposes will be considered at a later date. No action is required at this time. Council will determine whether they wish to participate on the new board, if established. 

The dissolution of the current Board was discussed, and any remaining funds following the audit of the Board will be considered by the participating municipalities. East Garafraxa no longer participates on the current Board. 

Mayor Gardhouse reported that no increase to the Board's 2025 proposed budget is anticipated. 

Councillor Zukowski reported that no increase to the Board's 2025 proposed budget is anticipated. East Garafraxa's financial commitment, under a separate agreement regarding Community Centre renovations, will be considered following the tendering process for the changeroom project. 

Councillor Banfield reported a minimal increase to the Board's proposed 2025 budget. Joanne Stevenson, CEO of the Grand Valley Public Library, will present the 2025 Library Board Budget to Council at Council’s request. Presentation not required at this time. 

Nothing at this time. 

Nothing at this time. 

  • Moved by:Councillor Zukowski
    Seconded by:Deputy Mayor Stirk

    BE IT RESOLVED THAT: Leave be given to introduce a by-law, being a by-law to confirm the proceedings of the Council of the Corporation of the Township of East Garafraxa at its meeting held on January 28, 2025, and that it be given the necessary readings and be passed and numbered 5-2025.


Meeting adjourned at 4:46 p.m.

  • Moved by:Councillor Banfield
    Seconded by:Councillor Halls

    BE IT RESOLVED THAT: Council do now adjourn to meet again for the Special Council (Budget) Meeting on Wednesday, January 29, 2025 at 4:30 p.m., and the Regular Council Meeting on Tuesday, February 11, 2025, or at the call of the Chair.